NextGen Cars Manis
Roasted Turkey Breast Dinner

This last weekend was Thanksgiving here in Canada and it was a busy weekend. I had been looking forward to a traditional type of holiday dinner with the roasted turkey, the cranberry sauce, the green bean casserole, the sweet potato casserole, etc. I wanted to have the turkey dinner but as I am cooking for one I did not want to cook a full turkey so I decided to go with just a turkey breast (still on the bone with the skin). Roasting a turkey breast is relatively easy; I just rubbed it with some olive oil and pushed some sage up under the skin. I had a two pound turkey breast so I only needed to roast it for about an hour and a half until it reached the desired temperature of 160F internally. One of the good things about this dinner was that I could prepare the casseroles while the turkey was roasting and just slip them into the oven as needed so that they would be done at the same time as the turkey. The turkey breast turned out really well! The skin was nice and crispy and golden brown and the meat was moist and tender and good. All in all it was a great holiday dinner! I will be writing more about the rest of the dinner over the coming week
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